Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hard work in the yard with the sun shining and loud angry music playing on my ipod...great cures for frustration...gotta love it. Just being outside with my hands in the dirt is soothing. There are actual studies now telling us about minerals etc. in the soil and how 'playing' in the dirt is good for us. But as a gardener, I've know this all along. So the long and short of it is that my quest for freedom will also make me healthier. Hooray!

Where am I at in my freedom quest? Well lets make a list:

1. Work for myself; check
2. Grow or make my own food; semi check (I've made more strides towards that this year than last and will continue to improve on this as the year closes. I am making plans for my greenhouse w/Rabbits and Vermicomposting as a heat system to help me grow some cool weather crops over the winter and start my veggis earlier in the spring)
3. Make as many other products as I can to reduce my need for corporations like Walmart and to sell and make more money with; still working on that one.

Well, that was just a little check in but today my biggest contribution to my freedom is to take a hiatus from FB; the ultimate spy and time waster of the public. I will be writing here more, working on farming and business strategy etc. and making things to sell or wear or give away or use. I will find time for prayer and church and bible reading to help me with my spiritual freedom from worldly pursuits. I would like to minister to children or the elderly someday so I can research that with my new found time I am bound to have without the FB chain too! So for now I say have an awesome Thursday and I will be chatting soon!

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