Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saw this 1 Acre plan on Mother Earth News and I thought I'd write about my plan too. This one has some interesting features and ideas but I'm not wanting to do the cow thing so my plan is a little different.

I will sketch out my design and post it at a later date but for now just picture in your mind my one acre. The house sits in the front left corner say in the middle of the wheat field pictured here off to the right. Then you have my driveway to the right of that and behind the driveway is the garage and shed both turned barn :) Ok and to the right of the garage is the greenhouse. Now the rest of this is pretty much land for me to a) Grow Veggies b) Raise chickens, rabbits and goats (no goats yet) as well as pigs (those will come later as well). I plan to use tractors in the summer months for the chickens and rabbits. c) A small orchard. d) Some area to live, let the dog run and have picnics etc.
So lets start with picturing  the living area, it's behind the house from the back corner of the house, to the back corner of the shed (probably about 1/16th of my acre. Behind this area will be the large vegetable garden (for canning, freezing and some market veggies too). To the right of the driveway will be the orchard. In the far edge of the field in back behind the house will be raspberry, strawberry and blueberry bushes. So that leaves quite a large area for animals and more gardens. I'm also thinking about growing buckwheat to the left of the house and the little bit of front yard which is very shady will have some patches for lettuce, peas etc. as it stays cool there.

More later on how this can be just as sustainable and self sufficient as the cow plan featured on Mother Earth News!

Until then, I'll be planning, praying and dreaming!
March 8, 2013

I just had to post about this experience seeing as it has to do with freedom!
So, last Sunday my dad was visiting and he likes to go to church so I went with him. Now, over the years since I was a girl I've not stayed close to God and I've had many doubts etc. but the church we went to was so moving, so spiritual I said ... God, you know all the questions I have and the doubts but if you'll be patient with me and show me the way I will try to follow you again. This week I've had some questions answered and I wanted to share about this one (well maybe two).

My good friend Sheila told me about a job opportunity and I followed up on it even though I really want to only do cleaning jobs for myself and farming, I also REALLY want to leave my current job, it's making me miserable...anyway, I then recieved an email from a lady asking me to give her pricing as she wants me to clean her house. So, I prayed. God, I don't know what to do here. Please lead me and show me what you want me to do. After that I took care of the rabbits and chickens then sat down to have some more coffee before showering and getting ready for work. I decided to look at the bible app on my phone and even though I wasn't choosing this...Galatians 5:1 popped up I looked it up and it talks about freedom and not letting yourself be bonded. I know this is talking about sin etc. but to me it was an answer that maybe I should concentrate more on my business than a new job. So I will follow up by sending the resume but I will leave this all in Gods hands.

I also have a heart for music, it is what speaks to my soul the best. When I was a girl I took piano lessons and flute lessons but never got very far with them however,  I felt like researching this yesterday and thought to check out Indian Flutes thinking maybe I'd take that up so I could flute some hymns when I need uplifting. I was also researching piano lessons and I thought...what is the best choice God? Maybe I should just sing? The next minute I recieved a phone call to schedule an appointment for someone on 'Indian Pipe Lane'...I felt like it was an answer. I also wondered...perhaps God talks to us all the time like this and we just don't listen anymore....what do you think? I choose to beleive and have faith! Have a great Friday everyone :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Good I thought it was about time I write and update you all on my journey to freedom. What have I accomplished in the past couple weeks?

Well...I have my seeds, they arrived in the mail yesterday and I can't wait to get started planting them! They are all heirloom varieties so I can save the seeds for next year too...EXCITING!

I have also gotten my chick order ready and found a local business that will order them and if I am at my other job and cannot pick them up right away they will take them out and feed them and keep them warm for me until I can pick them up. I chose varieties that were good for both egg laying and meat production. I also chose the varieties considered to be heritage breeds, breeds that are becoming harder to find as the years go by thanks to all the commercial selection for mass production. I made sure some are good mothers as I plan to keep a rooster or two and let them make babies for next year! I really can't wait to see little chicks following mama cute. The breeds I am getting are: Domonique, Araucana, Speckled Sussex, Partridge Rock and Buff Orpingtons.

I have also picked up my breeding trio of meat rabbits. I chose a mix of Giant Chinchilla/Flemish Giant and I am going to try for keeping them colony style rather than in cages. I thought to let my grandson name them as they will be around for awhile and he says the boys name is Candyman ....what a hoot, my daughters and I looked at each other and laughed so hard. He is three though and so his thought process is the Easter Bunny brings him candy...hence Candyman.... The girls names are Cookie and Lollipop, lol! I told him he couldn't name the babies when they are born and he says why Mammy? Well, because we won't be keeping them....that is my story for now, he is only three after all and I don't think he'd understand why mammy is going to eat the cute fuzzy bunnies :)

As for Chantelle's Green Cleaning Service? I have brochures made up and about half of them handed out so far, I've updated my website and FB pages and I may have one job but it's only once a month but's a start! If I could just land that one cleaning contract with a doctor's office or something similar...a place that needs at least a once a week cleaning....I know it'd take off after that! This would give me more time to devote to farming, Five Rivers and my family!

Well...that's all for steps? Planting my seeds, breeding those rabbits (the girls will be old enough at the end of March) and trying to land that first big contract! Wish me luck :)