Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saw this 1 Acre plan on Mother Earth News and I thought I'd write about my plan too. This one has some interesting features and ideas but I'm not wanting to do the cow thing so my plan is a little different.

I will sketch out my design and post it at a later date but for now just picture in your mind my one acre. The house sits in the front left corner say in the middle of the wheat field pictured here off to the right. Then you have my driveway to the right of that and behind the driveway is the garage and shed both turned barn :) Ok and to the right of the garage is the greenhouse. Now the rest of this is pretty much land for me to a) Grow Veggies b) Raise chickens, rabbits and goats (no goats yet) as well as pigs (those will come later as well). I plan to use tractors in the summer months for the chickens and rabbits. c) A small orchard. d) Some area to live, let the dog run and have picnics etc.
So lets start with picturing  the living area, it's behind the house from the back corner of the house, to the back corner of the shed (probably about 1/16th of my acre. Behind this area will be the large vegetable garden (for canning, freezing and some market veggies too). To the right of the driveway will be the orchard. In the far edge of the field in back behind the house will be raspberry, strawberry and blueberry bushes. So that leaves quite a large area for animals and more gardens. I'm also thinking about growing buckwheat to the left of the house and the little bit of front yard which is very shady will have some patches for lettuce, peas etc. as it stays cool there.

More later on how this can be just as sustainable and self sufficient as the cow plan featured on Mother Earth News!

Until then, I'll be planning, praying and dreaming!

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